Occasionally, you might come across a file that just won’t seem to upload successfully into Canvas. This could be due to any number of reasons, such as incompatible file-types, or an exceedingly large file size. For instance, some students have reported having issues when trying to upload large videos.
Not to worry, there’s an easy workaround!
As students at ACHS, you’re given a custom @achs.edu Google account. And one of the core services of that is Google Drive, a cloud solution that makes it easy to store - and share - virtually any files. You have an unlimited amount of storage with this account, so don’t worry about uploading large videos.
To get started, visit drive.google.com and login with your @achs.edu account credentials. Not sure how to access your account? Contact Student Services (stuserv@achs.edu) and they can help.
Once you’ve uploaded your file, right-click and choose “Share.” One of the options is to create a ‘shareable link.’ This link can be easily shared with your classmates and instructors.