This is a list of all ACHS forms for students. While many institutions have a form for everything, at ACHS many requests can be handled with a simple email or conversation with your advisor.
Please see our Policies and Procedures for detailed information and instructions.
Authorized Agent Form
To ensure maximum safeguards of information contained in a student’s personal record, ACHS will disclose information of a confidential nature only to the student, to a parent/guardian claiming that student as a dependent (as demonstrated through provision of a copy of the parent/guardian’s most recent federal income tax return), or to a third party upon receipt of expressed written permission of the student.
If you would like to nominate a third party that will have full access to your student account and information, please complete ACHS's Authorized Agent form available to download online here.
This form should be signed and returned to the Registrar's Office by email to or fax to 503-244-0726.
Request for Accommodations Form
ACHS recognizes disability as an aspect of diversity that is integral to society and to our campus community. It is important for current and prospective students to be aware of the process to request accommodations and/or auxiliary aids due to a disability or temporary health condition. All individuals applying to ACHS must meet the admissions criteria to be considered eligible for entrance to the college. There are no separate or individualized admissions criteria for students with disabilities. All disability accommodations are determined through an interactive and individualized process that requires the engagement of both the student and the ADA Coordinator. The purpose of the ADA accommodations is to provide access to the learning environment.
Academic Petition (Academic Standards Form)
In exceptional circumstances, students may submit a petition for special consideration on topics related to their coursework at ACHS.
Only students in good financial and academic standing are eligible to petition unless they are instructed to fill out this form by a member of the ACHS staff.
Change of Address
To provide a new address or update an existing one, please complete this form.
Challenge Exam Request Form
By successfully completing the challenge exam and demonstrating your mastery of the course learning outcomes, you have the opportunity to earn college credits and potentially bypass prerequisite courses. Challenge Exams have a $75 non-refundable fee.
Formal Complaint Form
Please review the policy and instructions before submitting the form.
Incomplete Grade Request Form
To be eligible for an incomplete, students must complete at least 50% of coursework before the semester ends. Submit the form and non-refundable fee 2 weeks prior to term end to indicate intent to complete remaining coursework after the term ends.
Student ID Card Request Form
Use your student ID card to take advantage of student discounts and memberships. Your ID card will be emailed to you within 1-2 weeks following verification of your student status.
Transcript Request Form
The first official transcript is complimentary for ACHS graduates. Additional transcripts are $10 each.